Plus and Minus points of Chat room

In the internet many type of chat rooms are there, in them most of chat rooms are for time pass. There are many plus and minus points by using this type of chat rooms. I am telling about some minus and plus point through this article.

What are the plus points :

Plus points are given below:

  1. Chatters can make friendship with many people.
  2. Chatters can forget their loneliness when they are alone by doing chat.
  3. And chatters can improve their English knowledge if they don’t have much skills in it through the using English chat room by chatting with others.
  4. If a chatter has any doubts, they can ask to other chatters and he has the chance to do discuss about that doubt. If the other chatters are interested to do discuss about that doubt, as a result he/she can get answer. If they don’t replied to him/her that means they are not interested to do discuss on that doubt. Then he/she should stop talking about that doubt/discussion.
  5. Using these chat rooms we can relax from the tensions.
  6. And chatters can meet their own country members or state members or our village members.

What are the minus points with the chat rooms :

  • Some people think that the chat rooms are for only sex and abusiveness. But their thought/opinion is absolutely wrong. Because every chat room is not for that.
  • There are two type chatters. First type chatters come and do normal chat and leave the chat. The second type chatters come to the chat rooms and they will act as a good persons next they ask email IDs and etc.., and after it they will show you their original character. Example: After the normal chatter giving their email ID to that second type of persons, then that person (2nd person) may hack your email ID and computer or some people will send you virus or dirty pictures by sending mails etc….,

So, chatters be careful with this type of persons (chatters). If you share your email ID or other data with anyone then you are responsible for that and no one can help you if you share.

Chat section of is advising you that : Do not share your email or any data of your personals with strangers. And do not trust anyone quickly. You are responsible for your privacy.

Article by: Sri